Theatre Visits:
Members sign up for a trip they wish to join and pay £10 part payment which is non refundable and commits them to pay the balance the following month. If members are not able to go, due to unforeseen circumstances, it is the members responsibility to sell the ticket/s to another member. We try and help put members in touch with each other if we know someone is looking for a ticket.
Members who need a carer, who is not a member, can be accompanied by them. They must be paid for but we try to get a concession where possible.
Members are picked up by the HART bus or Beverley Community Lift bus at The Car Park, Morrow Avenue or The Rose and Crown in Market Place and we try wherever possible to book a Thursday matinee for performances. Ballet or Opera are mostly an evening performance. We also go to Scarborough, Bridlington or York as well which may be a different day.
VISITS - 2024
Thursday 19th September - Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough - all day trip - Alan Ayckbourn's latest play "Show and Tell" - £40. Shopping trip with fish and chip lunch at Mother Hubbard's, then theatre at 1.30pm. Pick up point Morrow Avenue 9.30am. Market Place 9.35am.
Cost covers theatre and transport. Lunch will be booked for 12 noon.
Thursday 21st November - Hull New Theatre - "Hairspray" £45.
Leave Morrow Ave 1pm, Market Place 1.35pm
Saturday 15th February - Hull New Theatre - 2.30pm. ​J.B. Priestley's classic play, The Inpector Calls. 6 seats available. £40 approx. Part payment September meeting. Pick up Morrow Ave. 1pm, Market Place 1.05pm.
Thursday evening 21st March - Hull New Theatre - 7pm - The Magic Flute by Mozart, performed by Opera North. £40. Pick up Morrow Ave. 5.30pm. Part payment at September meeting. WAITING LIST STARTED FOR A SECOND BUS.
Cost covers theatre and transport. There may have to be a slight adjustment depending on diesel costs from January onwards.
Group Contacts: Bernard and Audrey Taylor - White Lodge, Rolston Road, Hornsea
Click on the envelope to send a message.